Mobjack Bay
15' x 23" / 4.57m x 58.4cm
Recommended paddler size: 105-180lbs / 46-82kg
The Mobjack Bay is a Greenland style sea kayak specifically designed for lighter weight paddlers, and optimized for relaxed use. She's a low volume boat for day trips or play - there is little room for gear, but lots of leg room (compared to similarly sized Greenland boats) and she's easily paddled and has reassuring stability. Her "Swede form" hull has a fine entry to slice through chop, and broad aft sections that make surfing small waves a breeze.
"The simplest boat to use gets used the most" - something I often say. The Mobjack Bay was meant to be very simple to use indeed. Though she can be built with a longer cockpit opening, she was designed to benefit from a shorter "ocean cockpit." The smaller opening sheds waves easier and keeps paddle drips on the deck, rather than soaking one's lap. Ergo, no spray skirt is needed for the type of fair weather paddling that most people do most of the time. Couple that with her stability and the built in floatation that also limits the amount of water the hull can take on, and the Mobjack Bay is a boat one can just get in and go.
Of course, if your paddling is more adventurous than calm water tooling around a lake or cove, then proper safety gear, including a spray deck, is certainly called for. The MB is up to the challenge of rougher water, though - she's fast and maneuverable, with no tendency to weathercock.
Construction is non-traditional, of marine plywood and cedar boards, with a skin of polyester or nylon. Time to completion should be less than 40 hours - though your results may vary!
The plans come with full sized patterns for the frames, stems and cockpit coaming, and a well illustrated building guide that explains every facet of construction - including how to build a Greenland paddle. No prior boat building or woodworking experience is needed, and only a few basic tools are necessary.
Partial kits are available as well.
Order plans or kits HERE