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No cockpit, no spray skirt . . . no worries!
The GCB Boardyak
(scroll down for more pics)
11' x 30" {3.35m x 76cm}
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The skin-on-frame Boardyak is a unique, versatile, lightweight, inexpensive and easy to build boat that you can use as both a sit-on-top kayak, and as a stand-up-paddleboard! I meant for her to be the easiest to use - and the easiest to build - of all my boats. You just hop on and go - sitting or standing. And building her is just as simple - she uses short, easily obtainable lumber, and has no difficult bends to deal with. The fabric skin simply wraps around the whole hull, and there is zero sewing required. Add some paint, screw on the deck and you're ready to paddle!
The Boardyak's wide, garvey style bow delivers good buoyancy, while the baidarka style stern acts as an integral skeg. Both of these design features also help to make the hull quick to build and skin. You can custom size the deck for your needs, add shock cord tie-downs to carry gear, add handles, risers, rod and bottle holders, and even custom a fit a big cushy kayak seat if you like. But nothing special is necessary to get out on the water - you don't even need a seat!
The Boardyak is perhaps the ultimate cartop boat - low profile, aerodynamic, easy for just about anyone to get on or off the roof, and always ready to go whenever you see an interesting slough, pond, harbor, lagoon, lake or bay that is just begging to be explored. Though short, the Boardyak can give you a pretty good aerobic workout, too. But you don't always need to go fast while stand-up paddling - you can just cruise along, marveling at how much more you can see from your new perspective.
Weight: 25-30lbs {12kg} Maximum recommended displacement is 225lbs {102kg}

Here's a simple folding camp chair for relaxed paddling. An advantage of these portable seats is that you can easily move your position fore or aft to deal with different conditions out on the water. More elaborate seats are easily attached, too.

Stand up paddling is "almost" as relaxed . . . in calm water!
Actually, it takes at least a few minutes - or more, depending on how spry you are - of practice to get used to standing on the water.
A Greenland style paddle is a good compromise for both sitting down and standing up . . . a dedicated SUP length paddle would be better if you plan to stand most of the time.

There is lots of secondary stability - but note that her short length makes her initially pretty wobbly.

No seat? No problem!

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