Build your own
Racer X
Open Water Rowing and Racing Shell
Length -
22' / 6.7m or 24' / 7.32m
Beam -
24" / 61cm
Waterline beam -
14" / 36cm
Max recommended rower - 230lbs
/ 105kgs

Order plans here
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A rough water pulling boat with the speed of a flat water scull.
Racer X is a
skin-on-frame ocean rowing shell that is fast, lightweight,
seaworthy, safe and easy to build. She is long and lean,
with a narrow waterline beam that flares out to give increasing
stability when needed. She also has permanent flotation, and
sealed interior storage for personal gear. And, weighing about 55lbs/25kgs, she is easy to carry and to
car top. That's not as light as a
carbon fiber shell, but comparable to commercial fiberglass boats. For
A Racer X is not just a flat out racing machine,
she is also great for recreational rowers who like to go fast, but
don't always want to get up at dawn to go for a jaunt or get in a
workout. If you rowed in school, Racer X can open up a whole new
world of waters to explore - without sacrificing speed to do so.
Her design came about as a request for a competitive boat to row in the Seventy48, a
human powered endurance race on Puget Sound. Beginning his build at the
last minute, Kevin Flick finished the prototype just two days before
the race, went for a quick row the next evening, then raced on the next
day. In rough waters, he placed 5th in his class - and 27th
overall in a huge mixed fleet. That says a lot about Kevin,
and maybe something about the boat, as well.
Two other
prototypes were also built, the last one taking part in a 944km / 586
mile trip down the Vistula river, in Poland. Which apparently went very
The Racer X can
be built in two different lengths, for different sized rowers or for
different goals. The beam is the same for both boats, and the
plans cover building each of them. Construction is quick, easy and
inexpensive, taking just a few weeks - working part time - and
costing just a few hundred dollars - a small fraction of what
commercial OW sculls cost. She's built with marine plywood frames,
western red cedar longitudinals, and polyester fabric. The very
well illustrated building guide is geared for the novice builder, and
explains everything one needs to know to build your own racing scull.
plans, you get:
- Full Size templates for all
the frames, the stem and the transom. There is no lofting.
- A complete, step by step guide to her
frame construction, skinning and coating.
- Instructions with both metric and
imperial measurements.
- A list of tools and materials needed.
- Sources for uncommon items.
- Instructions for building rowing
rig components, including
the wing.
- Instructions for building one's own
set of sculling oars.
- Full size templates for both Macon
and Hatchet blade shapes.
- Instructions for building a cradle
for car top transportation.
- An appendix full of useful building
hints, epoxy information, and tips for care and usage.
- And . . . ME. I am just
an email away to answer questions, solve problems or give advice.
Whether you are looking for a workout, or looking to train and win,
Racer X could well be the boat for you.
Dave for frame kits

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Gentry Custom Boats, LC © 2021