An easily built classic pulling boat
Shenandoah Peapod
x 46" / 4.57m x 1.17m
Reasonable maximum capacity - 3 adults
Weight - about 55lbs / 25kgs
She is, as you
might have guessed, a double ended Shenandoah Whitehall, using the
forward half of that boat for both halves of this skin-on-frame peapod.
Sadly, doing this was not my idea - it was
mentioned in passing by a builder. A good idea that I
should have come up with years ago.
The hull shape, it turns out, very closely resembles
a slightly scaled up Rushton model 109 - a classic pulling boat that
still has devotees a 100+ years later. My peapod is meant for rowing,
with no compromises for sailing or pulling lobster pots, and she will
be slick and fast. Her light weight makes her an easy boat to car top,
and to launch and retrieve. Moreover, with a boat as simple to get
going as she is, impromptu rows or quick fishing trips will be still be
inviting after many years.
The Shenandoah Peapod is 15'/4.57m long,
decked over at the ends for more comfort and to hide the foam
flotation. Construction is straightforward,
materials are inexpensive, and she should go together fast and
easy, even for a novice builder.
Major costs would be a sheet of 12mm and a
sheet of 6mm marine plywood, a few cedar boards, the fabric, half a
gallon/2 liters of paint, a little epoxy and some stainless steel
screws. That doesn't add up to much, and there will be plenty of
plywood left over for another boat.
Plans include a well illustrated, step by step
building guide that covers everything
one needs to know, plus a large
sheet of full size templates
for the frames, stems, breasthooks, etc. - I have done all
the lofting for you. And I am just an email away, ready to
answer questions and give advice if you get stumped.
Shenandoah Peapod - a lovely, fast, capable and classic rowing boat
that is quick, easy and inexpensive to build.
Plans Here!
me for frame kits
- GentryCustomBoats@yahoo.com
prototype, yet, but I'll post photos as I get them.

To the top
on frame, SOF, Gardner, Maine, skinboat, wooden boat, amateur built,
oars, sculling, Dyson, Yost, Chapelle,